Northlands office will close on Friday 22nd December and Re-Open Monday 8th January 2018.
The following contact numbers may be used for advice in the case of an emergency if your Northlands home is less than 2 years old.
Electricians Ricky Jordan 078 4158 4106 (Bridgelea/Lily Wood Lane)
John Langford 078 1074 1919 or
Lee Eadie 075 9974 2152 (Claremont)
Plumbers Padraig McGreevy 0751 8404 4348
Rhyss 0754 3968 426
Please Note: These numbers are soley for emergency purposes and any call outs may incur a charge. THIS IS NOT A 24 HOUR SERVICE AND IS SUBJECT TO PLUMBER/ELECTRICIAN AVAILABILITY. For any non emergency situations please email the Sales Office on and it will be attended to when the office re-opens.